Community Division

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our Community program! The Community Division of FSCA exists to provide Adults and Teens in the community a place to experience the healing power of community and movement that connects body, mind, and spirit, through dance classes that are "age and stage" appropriate. 

  • Classes begin on September 3rd, 2024

  • All registrations must be completed prior to class .


Tuition will be a monthly membership:

4 classes/month (any style, can mix and match) - $85/mo 

8 classes/month (any style, can mix and match) -$150/mo

Drop-in rate/class - $25/class

Community Division Classes

  • Adult Lyrical Worship

    THURSDAY 7:00pm-8:00pm

    In Lyrical Worship classes we use movement to express feelings, prayers, and/or the lyrics of a song. Using our bodies this way leads to a deeper experience of worship. The class will consist of exercises to warm our bodies up for movement, exploring embodied prayer, and learning choreographed movements to a song each week to aid us in worship. No previous dance experience is required!

    Dress Code: Comfortable workout clothes and bare feet or socks

  • Adult Tap

    WEDNESDAY 6:30pm-7:30pm

    Whether you’re a seasoned dancer or you want to try something new, this class is for you. Grab your tap shoes and come make music with your feet! Starting with a gentle warm up, each class will focus on fundamental techniques as we progress through rhythms and exercises. In addition to working our muscles, balance, and core strength, we will challenge our problem solving skills with a fun engaging combination at the end of each class. Join us for good music, good community, and good ol’ fun!

    Dress Code: tap shoes and comfortable workout clothes

  • Adult Ballet

    Beginning Ballet MONDAY 6:45pm-8:00pm

    For Adults New To Dance

    Int/Advance Ballet Friday 10:00am-11:15am

    For Adults with Some Dance Experience

    If you’ve ever wanted to take a ballet class as a grown up or you used to dance as a kid, this class is for you. Enjoy the benefits of a traditional ballet class, such as moving your body, connecting with others, and strengthening your muscles, in an “age and stage appropriate” class. Starting and ending with space for body awareness, we will progress through a ballet barre to engage and train muscles, move to exercises in the center to work on balance and coordination, and then add jumps for cardio work and to build endurance.

    Dres Code: Comfortable workout clothes and ballet shoes

  • Adult Hip-Hop

    FRIDAY 6:30pm-7:30pm

    Adult Hip Hop is a beginner friendly fun filled 60 minute class. Whether you are new to dance, or have been dancing your whole life, this is the perfect class for you! During class we will do a quick warm up followed by a few across the floor exercises climaxing to a special combo just for this class and concluded with a cool down. No previous dance experience is required!

    Dress Code: Comfortable workout clothes and sneakers